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Pravesh Vyas
469 tweets
1,016 commits
Pravesh Vyas spends 32% of their time tweeting and 68% of their time coding
Pravesh Vyas and Farabi πŸ‰ are 95% compatible as cofounders
Farabi πŸ‰
952 tweets
452 commits
avatar for rivafarabi
Farabi πŸ‰ spends 68% of their time tweeting and 32% of their time coding
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Bill Demirkapi

@billdemirkapi21,963 followers1,009 tweets462 commits
99% match
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Sanjay Bhagia

@bhagiasanjay447 followers1,010 tweets479 commits
99% match
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Harshal Maniya

@harshalmaniya285 followers1,026 tweets455 commits
98% match
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Colin Hall

@colinhall17129 followers1,018 tweets499 commits
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Aziz Kaukawala | Web Developer

@a_tinypixel451 followers1,044 tweets451 commits
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Dika/Azzam/ ディカ

@hamardikan537 followers1,034 tweets498 commits
97% match
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Nuno Gonçalves

@nunomiguelcg413 followers1,006 tweets432 commits
97% match
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Chetany BhardwajπŸ“πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬

@bruhdwaj206 followers980 tweets454 commits
97% match
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@thekaranatic76 followers993 tweets505 commits
96% match
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Abhi Jha

@abhitics301 followers1,041 tweets504 commits
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vaibhav gupta

@vaibhavg4651237 followers1,053 tweets437 commits
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@iamphobs413 followers1,033 tweets412 commits
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Alexs Ruiz

@ralexs0096122 followers1,038 tweets412 commits
95% match
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Chris Harden

@sportsdada504 followers1,039 tweets526 commits
95% match
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Farabi πŸ‰

@rivafarabi143 followers952 tweets452 commits
95% match
avatar for ccosming

Carlos Cosming

@ccosming1,988 followers1,073 tweets444 commits
94% match