The best cofounder for Gideon is...

avatar for heipei
Johannes Gilger
avatar for wuz_goood
6,287 tweets
3,396 commits
Gideon spends 65% of their time tweeting and 35% of their time coding
Gideon and Johannes Gilger are 99% compatible as cofounders
Johannes Gilger
3,362 tweets
6,268 commits
avatar for heipei
Johannes Gilger spends 35% of their time tweeting and 65% of their time coding
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avatar for thomaswue

Thomas Wuerthinger

@thomaswue4,901 followers3,409 tweets6,337 commits
99% match
avatar for vatanay

Vatanay Özbeyli

@vatanay448 followers3,373 tweets6,220 commits
99% match
avatar for yoannfleurydev

Yoann Fleury 👨‍💻⚛️🦀

@yoannfleurydev581 followers3,391 tweets6,400 commits
99% match
avatar for leifermendez

Leifer Mendez (🧑‍💻)

@leifermendez4,633 followers3,348 tweets6,371 commits
99% match
avatar for pabuisson

Pierre-Adrien Buisson

@pabuisson581 followers3,488 tweets6,242 commits
99% match
avatar for _yannbertrand

Yann Bertrand

@_yannbertrand625 followers3,368 tweets6,143 commits
98% match
avatar for ernestognw


@ernestognw3,455 followers3,186 tweets6,252 commits
97% match
avatar for diegoveloper

Diego Velasquez

@diegoveloper8,986 followers3,267 tweets6,466 commits
97% match
avatar for apo_bozdag

Abdullah Bozdağ

@apo_bozdag1,707 followers3,369 tweets6,597 commits
97% match
avatar for mightypenguinv


@mightypenguinv543 followers3,688 tweets6,335 commits
96% match
avatar for tekiek

CK ⭕️

@tekiek864 followers3,303 tweets6,549 commits
96% match
avatar for antonigiske

Anthoni Giskegjerde

@antonigiske375 followers3,737 tweets6,230 commits
96% match
avatar for pirazgg


@pirazgg518 followers3,292 tweets5,949 commits
95% match
avatar for kunalbhalla

@kunalbhalla639 followers3,224 tweets6,557 commits
95% match
avatar for leticiabytes

Letícia Vieira

@leticiabytes147 followers3,496 tweets6,655 commits
95% match