avatar for didntdrinkwater
3,160 tweets
519 commits
younes spends 86% of their time tweeting and 14% of their time coding
younes and José A.P | wen bolt12&covenants are 100% compatible as cofounders
José A.P | wen bolt12&covenants spends 14% of their time tweeting and 86% of their time coding
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avatar for jossec101

José A.P | wen bolt12&covenants

@jossec101242 followers520 tweets3,147 commits
100% match
avatar for pantytonight


@pantytonight434 followers496 tweets3,163 commits
99% match
avatar for raenlua


@raenlua42 followers495 tweets3,134 commits
99% match
avatar for fredarcito

Freddy Manrique

@fredarcito88 followers520 tweets3,211 commits
99% match
avatar for alyssakirstine

AK 🌞

@alyssakirstine255 followers471 tweets3,166 commits
99% match
avatar for rhmdnrhuda

Null pointer exception

@rhmdnrhuda10 followers553 tweets3,138 commits
98% match
avatar for theayushanand

Ayush Anand 🇮🇳

@theayushanand731 followers573 tweets3,189 commits
98% match
avatar for zanzofily

Mostafa Kassem

@zanzofily117 followers457 tweets3,182 commits
98% match
avatar for paco0x


@paco0x1,288 followers482 tweets3,111 commits
98% match
avatar for hochgi

Gilad Hoch

@hochgi198 followers580 tweets3,188 commits
98% match
avatar for nawed2611

Nawed Ali

@nawed2611222 followers439 tweets3,150 commits
98% match
avatar for pcalloc

Paolo Caleffi

@pcalloc126 followers478 tweets3,212 commits
97% match
avatar for oguzkgullu

Oğuz Kağan

@oguzkgullu703 followers464 tweets3,121 commits
97% match
avatar for marvinhagemeist

Marvin Hagemeister ⚛️

@marvinhagemeist6,418 followers545 tweets3,089 commits
97% match
avatar for levminer92

Levente Lőrik

@levminer9246 followers495 tweets3,086 commits
97% match
avatar for wisn98


@wisn98189 followers596 tweets3,182 commits
97% match