avatar for ishanshx
111 tweets
86 commits
Ishansh spends 56% of their time tweeting and 44% of their time coding
Ishansh and Micah are 90% compatible as cofounders
102 tweets
114 commits
avatar for tofugrass
Micah spends 47% of their time tweeting and 53% of their time coding
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avatar for yashtwt12

Yash Salunke

@yashtwt1254 followers84 tweets114 commits
97% match
avatar for thopq

Thomas Iseli ๐Ÿ€

@thopq99 followers77 tweets111 commits
95% match
avatar for pks0735

Prashant kumar singh

@pks073513 followers79 tweets109 commits
95% match
avatar for mun_err

Muneer Ahmed

@mun_err39 followers96 tweets110 commits
94% match
avatar for drgecko_exe


@drgecko_exe42 followers77 tweets105 commits
92% match
avatar for albincsergo

Albin Csergล‘ (๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป, ๐Ÿ›ธ)

@albincsergo132 followers97 tweets115 commits
92% match
avatar for arunp_twt

Arun Prajapati

@arunp_twt24 followers89 tweets98 commits
92% match
avatar for pranjalmantri

Pranjal Mantri

@pranjalmantri26 followers87 tweets126 commits
92% match
avatar for kingepic84


@kingepic842 followers101 tweets112 commits
92% match
avatar for janikhelbig

Janik Helbig

@janikhelbig25 followers91 tweets123 commits
91% match
avatar for mespeet

Maarten Speet

@mespeet54 followers78 tweets102 commits
91% match
avatar for zoendev

Enzo Holgado

@zoendev23 followers99 tweets107 commits
91% match
avatar for tofugrass


@tofugrass260 followers102 tweets114 commits
90% match
avatar for jeffreylunt

Jeffrey Lunt

@jeffreylunt61 followers82 tweets95 commits
90% match
avatar for chilemwandira

Blessings M

@chilemwandira2,974 followers92 tweets125 commits
90% match
avatar for anas_araid


@anas_araid572 followers74 tweets120 commits
89% match