avatar for 0xmanan
3,581 tweets
38 commits
!Manan spends 99% of their time tweeting and 1% of their time coding
!Manan and Shreyas are 98% compatible as cofounders
31 tweets
3,636 commits
avatar for zhreyu
Shreyas spends 1% of their time tweeting and 99% of their time coding
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avatar for jvas28

Julio Vasconez

@jvas2830 followers37 tweets3,602 commits
99% match
avatar for corb3nik

Ian Bouchard

@corb3nik4,494 followers19 tweets3,569 commits
99% match
avatar for wmurmann

william murmann

@wmurmann32 followers27 tweets3,558 commits
99% match
avatar for dangaranga


@dangaranga6 followers10 tweets3,573 commits
99% match
avatar for imwaleed_ahmad

Waleed Ahmad

@imwaleed_ahmad81 followers13 tweets3,567 commits
99% match
avatar for marvingmoreton

Marving Moreton

@marvingmoreton0 followers0 tweets3,584 commits
99% match
avatar for woelper

Josh Woelper

@woelper0 followers0 tweets3,577 commits
99% match
avatar for jerrylopez

Jerry Lopez

@jerrylopez48 followers2 tweets3,567 commits
99% match
avatar for gigabites19


@gigabites1953 followers56 tweets3,548 commits
99% match
avatar for hasan_dott

Hassan Hawache

@hasan_dott57 followers56 tweets3,620 commits
98% match
avatar for narvaezcarlos

Carlos Narvaez

@narvaezcarlos0 followers44 tweets3,633 commits
98% match
avatar for alansyue

Alan Syue

@alansyue29 followers24 tweets3,535 commits
98% match
avatar for wgzhao


@wgzhao0 followers0 tweets3,603 commits
98% match
avatar for joshfischer1108

Josh Fischer

@joshfischer110842 followers43 tweets3,637 commits
98% match
avatar for jm___solo

Juan Oliú

@jm___solo8 followers96 tweets3,585 commits
98% match
avatar for zhreyu


@zhreyu2 followers31 tweets3,636 commits
98% match