avatar for 0xzrf
611 tweets
962 commits
Zeref spends 39% of their time tweeting and 61% of their time coding
Zeref and Lucas Lunzmann are 98% compatible as cofounders
Lucas Lunzmann
972 tweets
592 commits
avatar for lucaslunzmann
Lucas Lunzmann spends 62% of their time tweeting and 38% of their time coding
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Kaan Berke 🗽

@kaanberkee514 followers950 tweets613 commits
99% match
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Saakshi Raut

@saakshitwt1,051 followers939 tweets610 commits
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avatar for lucaslunzmann

Lucas Lunzmann

@lucaslunzmann149 followers972 tweets592 commits
98% match
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Giovanni Sakti

@giosakti5,780 followers949 tweets591 commits
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Ebn Sina

@ebns1na77 followers939 tweets596 commits
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Thor 雷神 ⚡️

@thorwebdev5,286 followers972 tweets641 commits
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Raphaël Moreau ⚡️

@rphlmr569 followers943 tweets637 commits
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@jefferyhus788 followers938 tweets590 commits
97% match
avatar for wolderado


@wolderado292 followers954 tweets649 commits
97% match
avatar for frbuccoliero

Francesco Buccoliero

@frbuccoliero186 followers987 tweets639 commits
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Daniel Herrera Sanchez

@weincoder804 followers990 tweets582 commits
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Shivendra Mishra

@shibu0x231 followers955 tweets556 commits
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@erfan_rfmhr150 followers1,023 tweets609 commits
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avatar for morgemoensch


@morgemoensch102 followers942 tweets665 commits
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avatar for hibangun


@hibangun2,172 followers947 tweets551 commits
95% match
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Aman Kumar Bairagi

@amanbairagi30602 followers1,011 tweets582 commits
95% match