avatar for 4lch4
1,511 tweets
5,973 commits
4lch4 spends 20% of their time tweeting and 80% of their time coding
4lch4 and Carlos Souza are 97% compatible as cofounders
Carlos Souza
6,065 tweets
1,661 commits
avatar for caike
Carlos Souza spends 79% of their time tweeting and 21% of their time coding
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avatar for codigoconjuan

Juan De la torre - Código Con Juan

@codigoconjuan25,615 followers6,014 tweets1,507 commits
99% match
avatar for pathikghugare


@pathikghugare268 followers5,991 tweets1,545 commits
99% match
avatar for tristan0x


@tristan0x11,762 followers5,917 tweets1,516 commits
99% match
avatar for willmclellarn

will 🦾 (general.dev)

@willmclellarn461 followers5,958 tweets1,440 commits
99% match
avatar for lockeag

Adrian Galvez G.

@lockeag371 followers6,048 tweets1,480 commits
99% match
avatar for anthonydmays

Anthony D. Mays

@anthonydmays9,296 followers5,986 tweets1,640 commits
98% match
avatar for nitropumaa

Nirupama Singh

@nitropumaa3,031 followers6,005 tweets1,345 commits
97% match
avatar for warrenm

Warren Moore

@warrenm4,363 followers5,856 tweets1,602 commits
97% match
avatar for atriskmedia

It's Adon.

@atriskmedia1,486 followers6,182 tweets1,514 commits
97% match
avatar for baraa_dev

Al Baraa 👨‍💻🐘

@baraa_dev4,101 followers6,149 tweets1,469 commits
97% match
avatar for ania_kubow

Ania Kubów #JavaScriptGames

@ania_kubow90,593 followers5,923 tweets1,340 commits
97% match
avatar for valerymelou

Valery Melou

@valerymelou980 followers6,012 tweets1,697 commits
97% match
avatar for diabhey


@diabhey670 followers6,044 tweets1,344 commits
97% match
avatar for caike

Carlos Souza

@caike4,082 followers6,065 tweets1,661 commits
97% match
avatar for miko_a


@miko_a594 followers5,916 tweets1,702 commits
97% match
avatar for otomir23

damir 🏳️‍🌈

@otomir23173 followers6,176 tweets1,466 commits
97% match