avatar for acdlite
Andrew Clark
21,763 tweets
0 commits
Andrew Clark spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
Andrew Clark and Lei Wang are 97% compatible as cofounders
Lei Wang
134 tweets
21,317 commits
avatar for zceme
Lei Wang spends 1% of their time tweeting and 99% of their time coding
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avatar for zakarfin

Sami Mäkinen

@zakarfin55 followers69 tweets21,690 commits
99% match
avatar for smhutcheson

Scott Hutcheson

@smhutcheson953 followers140 tweets21,853 commits
99% match
avatar for jimmysawczuk

Jimmy Sawczuk

@jimmysawczuk293 followers8 tweets21,992 commits
99% match
avatar for andrejkolar

Andrej Kolar

@andrejkolar27 followers134 tweets21,611 commits
99% match
avatar for hanifdwypoetra

Hanif Dwy Putra S

@hanifdwypoetra15 followers221 tweets21,970 commits
98% match
avatar for risserclay

Clay Risser

@risserclay40 followers148 tweets21,381 commits
98% match
avatar for zceme

Lei Wang

@zceme51 followers134 tweets21,317 commits
97% match
avatar for rollacaster

Thomas Sojka

@rollacaster95 followers217 tweets21,309 commits
97% match
avatar for benmerckx

Ben Merckx

@benmerckx39 followers46 tweets22,455 commits
97% match
avatar for maxbrunsfeld

Max Brunsfeld

@maxbrunsfeld1,148 followers415 tweets21,424 commits
97% match
avatar for dimagrossman

Dima Grossman

@dimagrossman548 followers753 tweets21,761 commits
97% match
avatar for j_tormey


@j_tormey305 followers491 tweets21,461 commits
96% match
avatar for zo0r

Jorge Trujillo

@zo0r146 followers191 tweets22,372 commits
96% match
avatar for iterion

Adam Sunderland

@iterion162 followers477 tweets21,422 commits
96% match
avatar for tlouth19

Tyson Louth

@tlouth1970 followers65 tweets22,525 commits
96% match
avatar for klieret

Kilian Lieret

@klieret274 followers22 tweets22,576 commits
96% match