avatar for adamsoffer
Adam Soffer
1,713 tweets
4,083 commits
Adam Soffer spends 30% of their time tweeting and 70% of their time coding
Adam Soffer and ︎ayushag | octasol.io ⚡ are 96% compatible as cofounders
︎ayushag | octasol.io ⚡ spends 71% of their time tweeting and 29% of their time coding
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avatar for ashwinexe

Ashwin Kumar Uppala (He/Him)

@ashwinexe7,496 followers4,130 tweets1,718 commits
99% match
avatar for thewisenerdxda

trivial_inanity (@thewisenerd@mastodon.social)

@thewisenerdxda37 followers4,009 tweets1,698 commits
98% match
avatar for gh0stdotexe

ghost // WhisperNode 🥷⚛️🛸

@gh0stdotexe2,105 followers4,054 tweets1,780 commits
98% match
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@entriphy604 followers4,004 tweets1,679 commits
98% match
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José Guillermo Arce

@pparce843 followers4,046 tweets1,632 commits
98% match
avatar for ricardov03

Ricardo Vargas

@ricardov03558 followers4,194 tweets1,752 commits
97% match
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@gvoze32120 followers4,219 tweets1,694 commits
97% match
avatar for antoniorv6


@antoniorv6362 followers4,003 tweets1,635 commits
97% match
avatar for magonxesp

El Huargen Magonx

@magonxesp60 followers4,007 tweets1,599 commits
97% match
avatar for ayushagr91

︎ayushag | octasol.io ⚡

@ayushagr91570 followers4,235 tweets1,772 commits
96% match
avatar for purchasable

I'm not

@purchasable63,665 followers4,112 tweets1,925 commits
96% match
avatar for jtriley_eth


@jtriley_eth8,678 followers4,279 tweets1,761 commits
96% match
avatar for sirkouga

Robert Vera

@sirkouga56 followers3,901 tweets1,641 commits
96% match
avatar for thisizha


@thisizha78 followers4,162 tweets1,531 commits
95% match
avatar for mbuguakamau_

Kelvin Mbugua

@mbuguakamau_4,073 followers3,997 tweets1,902 commits
95% match
avatar for cosmevalera

Cosme Valera 🐾🐹

@cosmevalera140 followers4,344 tweets1,731 commits
95% match