avatar for amanvirparhar
91 tweets
931 commits
Aman spends 9% of their time tweeting and 91% of their time coding
Aman and ぶろ are 95% compatible as cofounders
971 tweets
105 commits
avatar for broccoli
ぶろ spends 90% of their time tweeting and 10% of their time coding
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avatar for nader7x


@nader7x0 followers933 tweets93 commits
100% match
avatar for bbolek

Burak :)

@bbolek101 followers937 tweets91 commits
99% match
avatar for shivaye_modi

Shivaye Modi

@shivaye_modi30 followers929 tweets110 commits
98% match
avatar for linaasahi

Asahi Lina / 朝日リナ // @lina@vt.social

@linaasahi30,721 followers916 tweets83 commits
98% match
avatar for deadfrostt


@deadfrostt128 followers924 tweets70 commits
97% match
avatar for xicor333


@xicor333116 followers957 tweets95 commits
97% match
avatar for darioespm

Dario Espinoza Muñoz

@darioespm46 followers907 tweets77 commits
96% match
avatar for sujayvsarma


@sujayvsarma12 followers893 tweets94 commits
96% match
avatar for broccoli


@broccoli39 followers971 tweets105 commits
95% match
avatar for espindolagustav

Gustavo Espíndola

@espindolagustav280 followers907 tweets121 commits
95% match
avatar for newsmoke38


@newsmoke38125 followers894 tweets71 commits
94% match
avatar for andrioid


@andrioid1,335 followers953 tweets129 commits
94% match
avatar for cristiancho29

Cristian Suárez

@cristiancho2943 followers919 tweets140 commits
94% match
avatar for himalpandey027

Himal Pandey 

@himalpandey027394 followers959 tweets125 commits
94% match
avatar for josealjovin

jose aljovin

@josealjovin119 followers912 tweets45 commits
94% match
avatar for aindrelasaha

Aindrela Saha Pritha

@aindrelasaha560 followers897 tweets123 commits
94% match