avatar for amsoicy
240 tweets
476 commits
icy spends 34% of their time tweeting and 66% of their time coding
icy and julie4055 are 97% compatible as cofounders
460 tweets
231 commits
avatar for julie4055_
julie4055 spends 67% of their time tweeting and 33% of their time coding
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avatar for therohithborana

Rohith Borana

@therohithborana14 followers486 tweets243 commits
98% match
avatar for marmonto


@marmonto87 followers480 tweets250 commits
98% match
avatar for aguerima


@aguerima184 followers458 tweets238 commits
97% match
avatar for liquidzooo


@liquidzooo60 followers493 tweets244 commits
97% match
avatar for saidbyarshad

Arshad Azad

@saidbyarshad200 followers497 tweets241 commits
97% match
avatar for marijanapav

Marijana Pavlinić

@marijanapav1,037 followers461 tweets232 commits
97% match
avatar for julie4055_


@julie4055_81 followers460 tweets231 commits
97% match
avatar for cyn0x8


@cyn0x8911 followers466 tweets224 commits
96% match
avatar for axel_bol

Axel Alvarado

@axel_bol109 followers471 tweets211 commits
95% match
avatar for abdulah_ghoneim


@abdulah_ghoneim238 followers447 tweets234 commits
95% match
avatar for swiftforfarming

Alberto Giambone

@swiftforfarming290 followers459 tweets259 commits
95% match
avatar for blueskychan_

🌷 BlueSkyChan ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ 💐 🏳️‍⚧️

@blueskychan_27 followers499 tweets254 commits
95% match
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@geogz_19 followers466 tweets213 commits
95% match
avatar for hey_mant


@hey_mant113 followers455 tweets223 commits
95% match
avatar for gaurav5430

Gaurav Gupta

@gaurav5430466 followers514 tweets239 commits
95% match
avatar for sikukudancan

Dancan Sikuku

@sikukudancan1,257 followers441 tweets235 commits
94% match