The best cofounder for Anas Ghareib is...

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Sean Lynch
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Anas Ghareib
2,916 tweets
501 commits
Anas Ghareib spends 85% of their time tweeting and 15% of their time coding
Anas Ghareib and Sean Lynch are 99% compatible as cofounders
Sean Lynch
485 tweets
2,930 commits
avatar for techniq35
Sean Lynch spends 14% of their time tweeting and 86% of their time coding
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🎀🔪 blusk

@bluskript183 followers528 tweets2,919 commits
99% match
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Ronald Fabian Garcia 💙

@ronaldfabiang55 followers491 tweets2,881 commits
99% match
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Ignace Maes

@ignace_maes480 followers506 tweets2,859 commits
98% match
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Owen Conti

@owenconti1,257 followers533 tweets2,959 commits
98% match
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@secjack_252 followers538 tweets2,958 commits
98% match
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@soymartinez_49 followers544 tweets2,879 commits
98% match
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goro ⚡️

@defigoro451 followers472 tweets2,862 commits
98% match
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Soohoon Choi

@soohoonchoi346 followers412 tweets2,916 commits
97% match
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@aurbroszniowski129 followers486 tweets2,990 commits
97% match
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@jal_eelll428 followers478 tweets2,987 commits
97% match
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Daniel Post

@danielpost756 followers451 tweets2,868 commits
97% match
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Mohamed Ali

@devbn3lii1,018 followers550 tweets2,979 commits
97% match
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@yysrll292 followers433 tweets2,960 commits
97% match
avatar for josh_hdez8a


@josh_hdez8a83 followers434 tweets2,964 commits
97% match
avatar for laurawebdev

@laurawebdev83 followers394 tweets2,907 commits
97% match