avatar for arpwal
2,056 tweets
26,349 commits
Arpit spends 7% of their time tweeting and 93% of their time coding
Arpit and Neil Patel are 97% compatible as cofounders
Neil Patel
26,450 tweets
1,227 commits
avatar for neilpatel
Neil Patel spends 96% of their time tweeting and 4% of their time coding
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avatar for okcknet


@okcknet2,162 followers26,587 tweets1,749 commits
98% match
avatar for juliamarchh

Julia (yaml hate account)

@juliamarchh1,823 followers26,871 tweets2,236 commits
98% match
avatar for morizkay

Rizky / Kobe

@morizkay1,361 followers26,646 tweets2,558 commits
97% match
avatar for neilpatel

Neil Patel

@neilpatel464,308 followers26,450 tweets1,227 commits
97% match
avatar for prathyvsh


@prathyvsh5,096 followers26,199 tweets2,848 commits
97% match
avatar for dennypradipta_

Denny Pradipta

@dennypradipta_224 followers25,549 tweets2,323 commits
96% match
avatar for skl_shayen


@skl_shayen184 followers25,959 tweets2,734 commits
96% match
avatar for ohpalmer

🌸 oscar 🌸

@ohpalmer311 followers26,281 tweets1,028 commits
96% match
avatar for aspittel

Ali Spittel

@aspittel120,981 followers25,633 tweets2,532 commits
96% match
avatar for ndiritu_michael


@ndiritu_michael3,146 followers25,380 tweets1,726 commits
95% match
avatar for elbruno

El Bruno 🇨🇦 💙 💜 🎗️

@elbruno6,413 followers26,766 tweets1,143 commits
95% match
avatar for bichwaa

Akura Fury

@bichwaa1,476 followers26,760 tweets1,133 commits
95% match
avatar for kunalstwt

Kunal Kushwaha

@kunalstwt224,410 followers27,428 tweets1,773 commits
95% match
avatar for nakedmcse

Walker Boh

@nakedmcse1,131 followers27,105 tweets1,448 commits
95% match
avatar for neryadg


@neryadg1,226 followers26,706 tweets1,038 commits
95% match
avatar for emilwidlund


@emilwidlund6,396 followers26,851 tweets2,951 commits
95% match