avatar for axiaoxin
252 tweets
11,010 commits
阿小信 spends 2% of their time tweeting and 98% of their time coding
阿小信 and Oscar García (UskoKruM2010) are 98% compatible as cofounders
Oscar García (UskoKruM2010) spends 97% of their time tweeting and 3% of their time coding
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avatar for kuvssitehou

Kuassi TEHOU

@kuvssitehou335 followers10,908 tweets266 commits
99% match
avatar for michaeimm


@michaeimm498 followers10,983 tweets391 commits
99% match
avatar for tikhbana

atikh 🇸🇴

@tikhbana2,702 followers10,991 tweets88 commits
98% match
avatar for thisisisheanesu

Isheanesu 🌍

@thisisisheanesu2,314 followers10,894 tweets340 commits
98% match
avatar for pvlvtr

pavel veter 💫

@pvlvtr478 followers11,159 tweets157 commits
98% match
avatar for finnbags


@finnbags37,585 followers10,938 tweets80 commits
98% match
avatar for uskokrum2010

Oscar García (UskoKruM2010)

@uskokrum20101,532 followers10,808 tweets323 commits
98% match
avatar for bewinxed

عُمَر المَطَر | Bewinxed | Omar Al Matar

@bewinxed1,132 followers10,803 tweets156 commits
97% match
avatar for superroach


@superroach706 followers11,280 tweets196 commits
97% match
avatar for danielkoller_

Daniel Koller

@danielkoller_2,253 followers11,102 tweets491 commits
97% match
avatar for turbo_mack

Marek Fajkus

@turbo_mack381 followers10,924 tweets0 commits
97% match
avatar for racter


@racter202 followers10,914 tweets1 commits
97% match
avatar for hdtoledo

Hector David Toledo García

@hdtoledo656 followers11,254 tweets127 commits
97% match
avatar for labiybafakh

Muhammad Labiyb Afakh

@labiybafakh676 followers11,161 tweets475 commits
97% match
avatar for jorgejaramillo

Jorge Jaramillo

@jorgejaramillo4,935 followers11,384 tweets268 commits
97% match
avatar for yoroih


@yoroih125 followers11,338 tweets317 commits
97% match