avatar for ayushjhax
1,324 tweets
1,170 commits
Ayush spends 53% of their time tweeting and 47% of their time coding
Ayush and Vítor Matias are 98% compatible as cofounders
Vítor Matias
1,139 tweets
1,315 commits
avatar for vitoshi21
Vítor Matias spends 46% of their time tweeting and 54% of their time coding
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avatar for antonosika

Anton Osika

@antonosika7,071 followers1,163 tweets1,328 commits
100% match
avatar for theodorenegusu


@theodorenegusu289 followers1,183 tweets1,335 commits
99% match
avatar for vitoshi21

Vítor Matias

@vitoshi21256 followers1,139 tweets1,315 commits
98% match
avatar for siemen_subbaiah

Siemen Subbaiah

@siemen_subbaiah120 followers1,163 tweets1,362 commits
98% match
avatar for piglei


@piglei23,465 followers1,185 tweets1,359 commits
98% match
avatar for odagajoshua

256er ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

@odagajoshua524 followers1,155 tweets1,287 commits
98% match
avatar for zarpyk


@zarpyk41 followers1,181 tweets1,382 commits
97% match
avatar for rohit7101

Rohit Ramesh

@rohit71011,604 followers1,175 tweets1,392 commits
97% match
avatar for taym95


@taym95371 followers1,230 tweets1,338 commits
97% match
avatar for epsilonrho


@epsilonrho121 followers1,137 tweets1,283 commits
97% match
avatar for vaugenwake

Vaugen Wakeling

@vaugenwake77 followers1,157 tweets1,393 commits
97% match
avatar for samisthefbi

Shivam Shekhar Soy

@samisthefbi32 followers1,106 tweets1,342 commits
97% match
avatar for ffarquet

François Farquet

@ffarquet706 followers1,199 tweets1,268 commits
97% match
avatar for fkunn1326


@fkunn1326603 followers1,125 tweets1,279 commits
96% match
avatar for royshilkrot

Roy Shilkrot

@royshilkrot638 followers1,105 tweets1,353 commits
96% match
avatar for devkipchumba

Code Rick

@devkipchumba487 followers1,166 tweets1,416 commits
96% match