avatar for biershoot
88 tweets
57 commits
Biershoot spends 61% of their time tweeting and 39% of their time coding
Biershoot and Bravin are 91% compatible as cofounders
57 tweets
101 commits
avatar for bravinrutto
Bravin spends 36% of their time tweeting and 64% of their time coding
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avatar for geovannygil_

Geovanny GIl

@geovannygil_54 followers55 tweets88 commits
99% match
avatar for abdelrahman125

Eng-Abdo El-Ghraz

@abdelrahman12513 followers56 tweets89 commits
99% match
avatar for zambranozabala

Miguel Zambrano Zabala

@zambranozabala1 followers56 tweets83 commits
96% match
avatar for luuk00101


@luuk00101257 followers60 tweets85 commits
96% match
avatar for bradyrenting


@bradyrenting139 followers53 tweets92 commits
94% match
avatar for berand97

Andres Patiño

@berand9727 followers59 tweets95 commits
94% match
avatar for skayear

Pablo Rodriguez

@skayear14 followers51 tweets83 commits
92% match
avatar for hlmqz

H Marquez

@hlmqz33 followers65 tweets85 commits
92% match
avatar for bravinrutto


@bravinrutto915 followers57 tweets101 commits
91% match
avatar for juampi_dev


@juampi_dev15 followers48 tweets82 commits
90% match
avatar for someonemay_be

Shuaib Khan

@someonemay_be10 followers55 tweets104 commits
88% match
avatar for crisn_sz


@crisn_sz71 followers52 tweets102 commits
87% match
avatar for fabswt


@fabswt18 followers67 tweets79 commits
87% match
avatar for camilofuture

Camilo Future

@camilofuture9 followers50 tweets76 commits
87% match
avatar for tieno


@tieno46 followers62 tweets102 commits
87% match
avatar for imwangoka

israel mwangoka

@imwangoka40 followers71 tweets82 commits
86% match