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14,546 tweets
60 commits
丸子不在这里 spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
丸子不在这里 and Verekia 🌐 WebGameDev.com are 99% compatible as cofounders
Verekia 🌐 WebGameDev.com spends 1% of their time tweeting and 99% of their time coding
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avatar for egjimenezg

Gamaliel Jiménez

@egjimenezg16 followers17 tweets14,597 commits
99% match
avatar for andrejborstnik

Andrej Borstnik

@andrejborstnik2 followers0 tweets14,584 commits
99% match
avatar for andrewda


@andrewda3 followers0 tweets14,485 commits
99% match
avatar for jkirow

Jason Kirow

@jkirow40 followers18 tweets14,640 commits
99% match
avatar for modmuss50


@modmuss50818 followers23 tweets14,440 commits
99% match
avatar for verekia

Verekia 🌐 WebGameDev.com

@verekia8,468 followers166 tweets14,479 commits
99% match
avatar for redned235


@redned235127 followers67 tweets14,314 commits
98% match
avatar for nico385412


@nico38541256 followers312 tweets14,564 commits
98% match
avatar for kornimrod

Nimrod Kor

@kornimrod88 followers72 tweets14,284 commits
98% match
avatar for fitim_vata

Fitim Vata

@fitim_vata57 followers13 tweets14,776 commits
98% match
avatar for kushti

priya bulgan

@kushti5 followers1 tweets14,280 commits
98% match
avatar for tomusborne

Tom Usborne

@tomusborne858 followers38 tweets14,198 commits
97% match
avatar for 0xbankisan

bankisan ) ) ) _

@0xbankisan625 followers200 tweets14,818 commits
97% match
avatar for kreejzak

Paul Cross

@kreejzak45 followers57 tweets14,130 commits
97% match
avatar for denvercoder1

Jonah Lawrence

@denvercoder1487 followers402 tweets14,626 commits
97% match
avatar for kskiod

Khalid Skiod 🍉

@kskiod80 followers287 tweets14,745 commits
97% match