avatar for camtendo
Cameron Crockrom
2 tweets
11,325 commits
Cameron Crockrom spends 0% of their time tweeting and 100% of their time coding
Cameron Crockrom and Adarsh  are 98% compatible as cofounders
Adarsh 
11,420 tweets
104 commits
avatar for adarsh_web3
Adarsh  spends 99% of their time tweeting and 1% of their time coding
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avatar for arximedis


@arximedis2,233 followers11,329 tweets27 commits
100% match
avatar for dimahledba

Abdel 🐺 - 🐱

@dimahledba25,364 followers11,369 tweets1 commits
100% match
avatar for hafizhrafizal

Hafizh Rafizal Adnan

@hafizhrafizal371 followers11,385 tweets4 commits
99% match
avatar for hankobaggins


@hankobaggins9,527 followers11,242 tweets19 commits
99% match
avatar for alvarostreicher


@alvarostreicher200 followers11,414 tweets20 commits
99% match
avatar for salmamorchs

La perla del soconusco.

@salmamorchs305 followers11,206 tweets1 commits
99% match
avatar for danielmerja

Daniel Merja

@danielmerja1,524 followers11,270 tweets76 commits
99% match
avatar for iironmiike

Mike 👨‍💻🎹

@iironmiike146 followers11,419 tweets55 commits
99% match
avatar for avsfstr


@avsfstr101 followers11,464 tweets47 commits
98% match
avatar for hdtoledo

Hector David Toledo García

@hdtoledo656 followers11,254 tweets127 commits
98% match
avatar for adarsh_web3

Adarsh 

@adarsh_web31,296 followers11,420 tweets104 commits
98% match
avatar for superroach


@superroach706 followers11,280 tweets196 commits
98% match
avatar for diegoeche


@diegoeche136 followers11,586 tweets0 commits
98% match
avatar for rayfernando1337

Ray Fernando

@rayfernando133714,511 followers11,429 tweets175 commits
98% match
avatar for august0n3

eh o sonos

@august0n3187 followers11,431 tweets191 commits
97% match
avatar for 0x796

Convergence Boy

@0x7961,996 followers11,560 tweets63 commits
97% match