avatar for chintanpuggalok
Chintan Puggalok
22,491 tweets
371 commits
Chintan Puggalok spends 98% of their time tweeting and 2% of their time coding
Chintan Puggalok and Ben Merckx are 98% compatible as cofounders
Ben Merckx
46 tweets
22,455 commits
avatar for benmerckx
Ben Merckx spends 0% of their time tweeting and 100% of their time coding
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avatar for jamespulec

James Pulec

@jamespulec122 followers307 tweets22,530 commits
100% match
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@micnncim1,013 followers496 tweets22,489 commits
99% match
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Sam Marks

@therealsammarks281 followers355 tweets22,343 commits
99% match
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@lifeisnotakiwi87 followers263 tweets22,588 commits
99% match
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Ashutosh Das

@pyprism68 followers393 tweets22,298 commits
99% match
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Yoann Rodière

@yoannrodiere127 followers286 tweets22,681 commits
99% match
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Jordan Liggitt

@liggitt1,211 followers641 tweets22,475 commits
99% match
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Jorge Trujillo

@zo0r146 followers191 tweets22,372 commits
99% match
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Tyson Louth

@tlouth1970 followers65 tweets22,525 commits
99% match
avatar for arnaudweyts

Arnaud Weyts

@arnaudweyts105 followers583 tweets22,620 commits
99% match
avatar for benmerckx

Ben Merckx

@benmerckx39 followers46 tweets22,455 commits
98% match
avatar for klieret

Kilian Lieret

@klieret274 followers22 tweets22,576 commits
98% match
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@ifarbod111 followers470 tweets22,859 commits
98% match
avatar for bootlegjohn

Riley Flynn

@bootlegjohn61 followers29 tweets22,808 commits
97% match
avatar for hanifdwypoetra

Hanif Dwy Putra S

@hanifdwypoetra15 followers221 tweets21,970 commits
97% match
avatar for davidsherret

David Sherret

@davidsherret1,000 followers812 tweets22,249 commits
97% match