avatar for chtzvt
899 tweets
5,990 commits
Charlton spends 13% of their time tweeting and 87% of their time coding
Charlton and Nicolas Crocfer are 98% compatible as cofounders
Nicolas Crocfer
5,878 tweets
948 commits
avatar for ncrocfer
Nicolas Crocfer spends 86% of their time tweeting and 14% of their time coding
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avatar for mesabeagridulce


@mesabeagridulce214 followers5,904 tweets920 commits
98% match
avatar for ashutosh887_

Ashutosh Jha

@ashutosh887_1,495 followers5,894 tweets882 commits
98% match
avatar for notadilnaqvi

!adilnaqvi 🍉

@notadilnaqvi34 followers5,874 tweets929 commits
98% match
avatar for ncrocfer

Nicolas Crocfer

@ncrocfer1,366 followers5,878 tweets948 commits
98% match
avatar for ikigailabseth


@ikigailabseth1,521 followers6,113 tweets957 commits
97% match
avatar for enprava


@enprava557 followers5,975 tweets1,073 commits
97% match
avatar for sorenblank


@sorenblank251 followers6,060 tweets771 commits
97% match
avatar for alicanact60

Ali Tütüncü

@alicanact6019,345 followers6,116 tweets787 commits
97% match
avatar for israel_ubeda


@israel_ubeda299 followers6,186 tweets857 commits
97% match
avatar for agrim_sharma174

Agrim Sharma ⚒️⛓️

@agrim_sharma174563 followers6,214 tweets873 commits
96% match
avatar for jayk_gupta

Jay Kumar Gupta

@jayk_gupta2,671 followers6,093 tweets1,054 commits
96% match
avatar for skriemhild

Sandra Ahlgrimm

@skriemhild3,298 followers5,975 tweets1,143 commits
96% match
avatar for roodaka

Cody 🅰️

@roodaka160 followers6,094 tweets736 commits
96% match
avatar for imcodist


@imcodist1,062 followers5,980 tweets1,159 commits
96% match
avatar for jorgedipra

jorge Edwin Diaz

@jorgedipra80 followers5,933 tweets677 commits
96% match
avatar for alpguneysel


@alpguneysel1,338 followers5,751 tweets953 commits
96% match