avatar for clintonimaroo
Clinton Imaro
1,602 tweets
1,049 commits
Clinton Imaro spends 60% of their time tweeting and 40% of their time coding
Clinton Imaro and Shubham Kukreti are 96% compatible as cofounders
Shubham Kukreti
1,117 tweets
1,644 commits
avatar for shubhamkukretii
Shubham Kukreti spends 40% of their time tweeting and 60% of their time coding
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avatar for tejastn10

ᵀᵉʲᵃˢ ᴺⁱᵏʰᵃʳ

@tejastn10414 followers1,055 tweets1,596 commits
100% match
avatar for codewithbersh


@codewithbersh1,047 followers1,054 tweets1,554 commits
98% match
avatar for slarrauri


@slarrauri151 followers1,046 tweets1,548 commits
98% match
avatar for iambedant

Bedanta Bikash Borah

@iambedant445 followers986 tweets1,599 commits
98% match
avatar for _exidz_


@_exidz_356 followers1,044 tweets1,669 commits
97% match
avatar for shaneckel

Shane Eckel

@shaneckel581 followers1,040 tweets1,668 commits
97% match
avatar for andhikayuana

Andhika Yuana 🇮🇩

@andhikayuana325 followers1,003 tweets1,570 commits
97% match
avatar for the_dijkstra


@the_dijkstra196 followers991 tweets1,554 commits
96% match
avatar for shubhamkukretii

Shubham Kukreti

@shubhamkukretii546 followers1,117 tweets1,644 commits
96% match
avatar for brayden1moore


@brayden1moore317 followers1,103 tweets1,539 commits
96% match
avatar for remotephone

remote phone

@remotephone141 followers970 tweets1,645 commits
95% match
avatar for 0xvaibhav

0xvaibhav.eth | Huddle01

@0xvaibhav359 followers939 tweets1,588 commits
95% match
avatar for yuzurihaa93


@yuzurihaa9362 followers1,071 tweets1,500 commits
95% match
avatar for ddanier

David Danier

@ddanier210 followers1,042 tweets1,719 commits
95% match
avatar for 0xagnish

Agnish | অগ্নীশ 🦀👑🦇🔊

@0xagnish920 followers1,165 tweets1,590 commits
95% match
avatar for arjanjohan

arjanjohan (bom/dia)

@arjanjohan610 followers931 tweets1,588 commits
95% match