avatar for colesmcintosh
Cole McIntosh
12,078 tweets
3,196 commits
Cole McIntosh spends 79% of their time tweeting and 21% of their time coding
Cole McIntosh and Adolfo Peccin are 98% compatible as cofounders
Adolfo Peccin
3,370 tweets
11,893 commits
avatar for adolfopeccin
Adolfo Peccin spends 22% of their time tweeting and 78% of their time coding
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avatar for benoitgrelard

Benoît Grélard

@benoitgrelard2,208 followers3,340 tweets11,899 commits
98% match
avatar for ejmudrak

Erik Mudrak

@ejmudrak257 followers2,849 tweets12,070 commits
98% match
avatar for rishdotblog

Rishabh Srivastava

@rishdotblog11,787 followers3,410 tweets12,221 commits
98% match
avatar for adolfopeccin

Adolfo Peccin

@adolfopeccin226 followers3,370 tweets11,893 commits
98% match
avatar for meokiiii


@meokiiii65 followers3,535 tweets12,017 commits
97% match
avatar for conquera99


@conquera99250 followers3,383 tweets11,840 commits
97% match
avatar for xanderatallah

Alex Atallah

@xanderatallah48,326 followers3,197 tweets11,623 commits
97% match
avatar for kranfix

Frank Moreno 💙🦀

@kranfix533 followers3,041 tweets12,402 commits
97% match
avatar for uriklar

Uri Klar

@uriklar642 followers3,311 tweets11,711 commits
97% match
avatar for blendthink


@blendthink592 followers2,928 tweets12,339 commits
97% match
avatar for dimasciputra

Dimas C

@dimasciputra188 followers3,619 tweets12,203 commits
96% match
avatar for ezchilamen

Ezéchiel A. Agbla

@ezchilamen931 followers3,395 tweets11,717 commits
96% match
avatar for _jacobtomlinson

Jacob Tomlinson

@_jacobtomlinson1,863 followers3,748 tweets12,098 commits
96% match
avatar for elliothesp

Elliot Hesp

@elliothesp1,710 followers2,895 tweets12,351 commits
96% match
avatar for assios

Asbjørn Steinskog

@assios1,438 followers3,064 tweets11,622 commits
96% match
avatar for terencechain


@terencechain22,368 followers3,676 tweets11,968 commits
96% match