avatar for davidneitor15
5,316 tweets
5 commits
David spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
David and Raj Kharvar are 99% compatible as cofounders
Raj Kharvar
20 tweets
5,368 commits
avatar for raj_kharvar
Raj Kharvar spends 0% of their time tweeting and 100% of their time coding
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avatar for jefer94


@jefer941 followers5 tweets5,324 commits
100% match
avatar for emfomy


@emfomy17 followers0 tweets5,304 commits
100% match
avatar for gettalong

Simon Reynolds

@gettalong0 followers0 tweets5,300 commits
100% match
avatar for scraly


@scraly0 followers2 tweets5,364 commits
99% match
avatar for ysinghdotus

Yash Singh

@ysinghdotus54 followers33 tweets5,293 commits
99% match
avatar for jpjagt


@jpjagt23 followers24 tweets5,281 commits
99% match
avatar for dboroujerdi

Daniel Boroujerdi

@dboroujerdi42 followers24 tweets5,279 commits
99% match
avatar for earthtraveller1

Tony Hearty

@earthtraveller10 followers0 tweets5,377 commits
99% match
avatar for raj_kharvar

Raj Kharvar

@raj_kharvar122 followers20 tweets5,368 commits
99% match
avatar for morganamilo


@morganamilo94 followers52 tweets5,338 commits
99% match
avatar for quazia

Lakiesha Robinson

@quazia2 followers0 tweets5,382 commits
99% match
avatar for sabziz

Seif Abdelaziz

@sabziz360 followers26 tweets5,366 commits
99% match
avatar for odfsoufiane

Soufiane Odf

@odfsoufiane29 followers72 tweets5,311 commits
99% match
avatar for thgsantos16

Thiago Santos

@thgsantos164 followers0 tweets5,244 commits
99% match
avatar for guillaumepetiot


@guillaumepetiot78 followers64 tweets5,290 commits
98% match
avatar for kumbu_dev


@kumbu_dev27 followers78 tweets5,302 commits
98% match