avatar for dimden
6,510 tweets
3 commits
dimden spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
dimden and Shalom DOSSEH are 98% compatible as cofounders
10 tweets
6,411 commits
avatar for dossehdosseh14
Shalom DOSSEH spends 0% of their time tweeting and 100% of their time coding
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avatar for diego3g

Diego 3g

@diego3g1 followers11 tweets6,525 commits
100% match
avatar for daystram

Danny August

@daystram44 followers29 tweets6,506 commits
100% match
avatar for decki_id

Decki Herdiawan Soepandi

@decki_id0 followers12 tweets6,536 commits
99% match
avatar for babesalehdahi

Babe Saleh Dahi

@babesalehdahi5 followers4 tweets6,544 commits
99% match
avatar for joshbonnick

Josh Bonnick

@joshbonnick8 followers0 tweets6,549 commits
99% match
avatar for junlarsen

laura jun larsen

@junlarsen0 followers0 tweets6,550 commits
99% match
avatar for stepansamko

Stepan Samko

@stepansamko23 followers7 tweets6,455 commits
99% match
avatar for kaimcpheeters


@kaimcpheeters68 followers10 tweets6,563 commits
99% match
avatar for mohammadhprp

Martin Rez

@mohammadhprp24 followers17 tweets6,463 commits
99% match
avatar for charliemoog

Charlie Moog

@charliemoog46 followers2 tweets6,571 commits
99% match
avatar for hugetoad_

Edem Reshidov

@hugetoad_0 followers2 tweets6,572 commits
99% match
avatar for htahir1

Hamza Tahir

@htahir15 followers0 tweets6,607 commits
98% match
avatar for tonyredondo

tony redondo

@tonyredondo0 followers0 tweets6,607 commits
98% match
avatar for dossehdosseh14


@dossehdosseh149 followers10 tweets6,411 commits
98% match
avatar for jkelleyrtp

Jon Kelley

@jkelleyrtp143 followers37 tweets6,595 commits
98% match
avatar for vahidrezazadeh

vahid rezazadeh

@vahidrezazadeh1 followers0 tweets6,390 commits
98% match