avatar for eersnington
Sree 🟢
166 tweets
5,753 commits
Sree 🟢 spends 3% of their time tweeting and 97% of their time coding
Sree 🟢 and Stevan Bogosavljević are 97% compatible as cofounders
Stevan Bogosavljević spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
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avatar for codewithkin

Kin Leon: The JavaScript💻 guy

@codewithkin428 followers5,781 tweets171 commits
99% match
avatar for sinopill

Deng Xiaoping 2

@sinopill1,443 followers5,708 tweets147 commits
99% match
avatar for mattlanham

Matt Lanham

@mattlanham1,585 followers5,708 tweets192 commits
99% match
avatar for kenduraghav

Raghav Karthik

@kenduraghav237 followers5,738 tweets233 commits
99% match
avatar for leandrorr

leandro r

@leandrorr203 followers5,786 tweets232 commits
98% match
avatar for touhou_7


@touhou_7241 followers5,695 tweets232 commits
98% match
avatar for swimmingpigluvr


@swimmingpigluvr2,191 followers5,728 tweets269 commits
98% match
avatar for ivarsmas

Mike Ivars

@ivarsmas3,809 followers5,870 tweets187 commits
98% match
avatar for stevyhacker

Stevan Bogosavljević

@stevyhacker1,158 followers5,754 tweets0 commits
97% match
avatar for 9b9_engineer


@9b9_engineer223 followers5,624 tweets205 commits
97% match
avatar for le__thom

Le Thom

@le__thom61 followers5,809 tweets53 commits
97% match
avatar for bots304yt

Bots304yt 🫑| &8

@bots304yt145 followers5,798 tweets35 commits
97% match
avatar for ryzord


@ryzord72 followers5,725 tweets10 commits
97% match
avatar for iago64


@iago64141 followers5,620 tweets217 commits
97% match
avatar for osmandlahoz

𝑶𝒔𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝑫𝒆 𝒍𝒂 𝒉𝒐𝒛 .⭐️

@osmandlahoz55 followers5,728 tweets4 commits
97% match
avatar for coinref_co

CoinReference.me 🌐 | 🛫 @PolkadotDecoded 🇧🇪

@coinref_co759 followers5,678 tweets44 commits
97% match