avatar for ezeslucky
Aurobindo Patra
1,782 tweets
347 commits
Aurobindo Patra spends 84% of their time tweeting and 16% of their time coding
Aurobindo Patra and Pranjal are 97% compatible as cofounders
363 tweets
1,731 commits
avatar for pranjal9599
Pranjal spends 17% of their time tweeting and 83% of their time coding
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avatar for daveshanley


@daveshanley989 followers369 tweets1,780 commits
99% match
avatar for thejuliams


@thejuliams1,422 followers331 tweets1,795 commits
99% match
avatar for luisfosg_

Luis Osorio

@luisfosg_11 followers363 tweets1,800 commits
98% match
avatar for fluttermatt

Matthew Molinar

@fluttermatt177 followers343 tweets1,817 commits
98% match
avatar for picklenik0864


@picklenik0864209 followers393 tweets1,779 commits
98% match
avatar for bhavyagiri_

Bhavya Giri

@bhavyagiri_201 followers383 tweets1,768 commits
98% match
avatar for ashik_dev_

Ashik Rahman ⚛️

@ashik_dev_55 followers346 tweets1,729 commits
97% match
avatar for raditzfarhan

raditz farhan

@raditzfarhan72 followers328 tweets1,821 commits
97% match
avatar for mike_grant_

Mike Grant

@mike_grant_684 followers390 tweets1,766 commits
97% match
avatar for soloween_


@soloween_1,223 followers381 tweets1,753 commits
97% match
avatar for pranjal9599


@pranjal9599111 followers363 tweets1,731 commits
97% match
avatar for jetpack_john

John Lago

@jetpack_john257 followers360 tweets1,838 commits
97% match
avatar for semkolol


@semkolol179 followers380 tweets1,820 commits
97% match
avatar for ratnesh_maurya_

Ratnesh Maurya

@ratnesh_maurya_812 followers306 tweets1,813 commits
97% match
avatar for dawescc


@dawescc99 followers286 tweets1,770 commits
97% match
avatar for eduyupanqui

Eduardo Yupanqui

@eduyupanqui144 followers333 tweets1,847 commits
96% match