avatar for fleny113
42 tweets
2,639 commits
Fleny spends 2% of their time tweeting and 98% of their time coding
Fleny and Roberto🍇 are 99% compatible as cofounders
2,630 tweets
29 commits
avatar for boldrobb
Roberto🍇 spends 99% of their time tweeting and 1% of their time coding
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avatar for boldrobb


@boldrobb66 followers2,630 tweets29 commits
99% match
avatar for fredyosorio

Fredy O.

@fredyosorio76 followers2,673 tweets60 commits
98% match
avatar for plezyszn


@plezyszn359 followers2,613 tweets71 commits
98% match
avatar for samhuckaby

Sam Huckaby

@samhuckaby446 followers2,619 tweets1 commits
98% match
avatar for itspsneha


@itspsneha1,838 followers2,591 tweets60 commits
98% match
avatar for maplerichie

LikKee ₿Ξ🍌

@maplerichie1,021 followers2,646 tweets107 commits
97% match
avatar for dafttake


@dafttake65 followers2,602 tweets1 commits
97% match
avatar for rulimanurung

Ruli Manurung

@rulimanurung1,145 followers2,707 tweets19 commits
97% match
avatar for a_abouei


@a_abouei241 followers2,713 tweets19 commits
96% match
avatar for bengalbroy


@bengalbroy415 followers2,580 tweets2 commits
96% match
avatar for legendoj1_rblx

Owen (LegendOJ1) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

@legendoj1_rblx622 followers2,562 tweets20 commits
96% match
avatar for ridlafalah

Mr. Ridlafalah

@ridlafalah145 followers2,543 tweets32 commits
96% match
avatar for thereallo6


@thereallo66,610 followers2,656 tweets135 commits
96% match
avatar for kofidoe_

Doe frm da 7

@kofidoe_539 followers2,629 tweets149 commits
96% match
avatar for ioprudente


@ioprudente102 followers2,579 tweets107 commits
95% match
avatar for aaronpresley

Aaron Presley

@aaronpresley167 followers2,554 tweets0 commits
95% match