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Foy Savas
812 tweets
8,848 commits
Foy Savas spends 8% of their time tweeting and 92% of their time coding
Foy Savas and C are 98% compatible as cofounders
8,759 tweets
736 commits
avatar for ciscocallme
C spends 92% of their time tweeting and 8% of their time coding
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avatar for yuutatsubasa

悠太翼🛡️盔甲正太系程式 Vtuber

@yuutatsubasa3,825 followers8,839 tweets792 commits
100% match
avatar for xohebs


@xohebs2,227 followers8,856 tweets786 commits
100% match
avatar for tomscop_

Tomscop 🍉

@tomscop_253 followers8,729 tweets806 commits
99% match
avatar for ciscocallme


@ciscocallme406 followers8,759 tweets736 commits
98% match
avatar for ajcwebdev

Anthony Campolo (ajcwebdev)

@ajcwebdev2,114 followers8,875 tweets981 commits
98% match
avatar for kiliancs

Kilian Cirera Sant

@kiliancs843 followers8,836 tweets1,029 commits
98% match
avatar for wilsondelcanto


@wilsondelcanto872 followers9,077 tweets702 commits
96% match
avatar for pasimoes

Paulo Simoes

@pasimoes2,367 followers9,072 tweets681 commits
96% match
avatar for adrianolmedo

Adrian Olmedo 🧑‍💻

@adrianolmedo824 followers9,167 tweets855 commits
96% match
avatar for jonmircha

Jonathan MirCha

@jonmircha14,113 followers8,996 tweets597 commits
96% match
avatar for 0xzodomo


@0xzodomo2,960 followers8,927 tweets1,128 commits
96% match
avatar for tnqzh123

Steven Qiu

@tnqzh123453 followers9,118 tweets654 commits
96% match
avatar for gentilkiwi

🥝🏳️‍🌈 Benjamin Delpy

@gentilkiwi62,456 followers8,544 tweets669 commits
95% match
avatar for itsandrewgao

andrew gao

@itsandrewgao34,026 followers8,904 tweets419 commits
95% match
avatar for igsteven21


@igsteven211,931 followers8,839 tweets368 commits
95% match
avatar for protozoo

Daniel Aguilar

@protozoo2,948 followers8,880 tweets379 commits
95% match