avatar for frankmombo
Mombo Frank
3 tweets
915 commits
Mombo Frank spends 0% of their time tweeting and 100% of their time coding
Mombo Frank and James Mikrut are 97% compatible as cofounders
James Mikrut
895 tweets
0 commits
avatar for jamesmikrut
James Mikrut spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
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avatar for fabritux


@fabritux60 followers917 tweets3 commits
100% match
avatar for crshoverride


@crshoverride669 followers916 tweets4 commits
100% match
avatar for onlychans1

Eden Chan

@onlychans1888 followers919 tweets1 commits
99% match
avatar for elem_draws


@elem_draws56 followers908 tweets3 commits
99% match
avatar for lccsoqui


@lccsoqui43 followers905 tweets2 commits
99% match
avatar for fazttech


@fazttech44,059 followers901 tweets1 commits
98% match
avatar for jamesmikrut

James Mikrut

@jamesmikrut1,544 followers895 tweets0 commits
97% match
avatar for imjcharly


@imjcharly129 followers891 tweets1 commits
97% match
avatar for _rockintosh


@_rockintosh223 followers939 tweets1 commits
97% match
avatar for eriley


@eriley11 followers890 tweets2 commits
97% match
avatar for useregistrado

🇨🇴 oscar.csv

@useregistrado61 followers917 tweets38 commits
96% match
avatar for casanovacane


@casanovacane905 followers877 tweets0 commits
96% match
avatar for advitsphinx

Advi✞ §phin𝕏

@advitsphinx36 followers936 tweets23 commits
96% match
avatar for josealjovin

jose aljovin

@josealjovin119 followers912 tweets45 commits
95% match
avatar for malayvasa

Malay Vasa

@malayvasa1,564 followers957 tweets0 commits
95% match
avatar for floxylol


@floxylol380 followers962 tweets1 commits
95% match