avatar for frumpy4
2,697 tweets
71 commits
frumpy4 spends 97% of their time tweeting and 3% of their time coding
frumpy4 and Rafael Pernil are 98% compatible as cofounders
Rafael Pernil
22 tweets
2,710 commits
avatar for rafaelpernil
Rafael Pernil spends 1% of their time tweeting and 99% of their time coding
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avatar for albion270


@albion270136 followers73 tweets2,690 commits
100% match
avatar for zyszys_


@zyszys_50 followers67 tweets2,690 commits
100% match
avatar for samcmau

Sam Calder-Mason (samcm.eth)

@samcmau882 followers58 tweets2,702 commits
99% match
avatar for toanbku

Toan Ho

@toanbku1,042 followers76 tweets2,678 commits
99% match
avatar for 0xjunha


@0xjunha231 followers74 tweets2,655 commits
98% match
avatar for happylinks

Michiel Westerbeek🚢

@happylinks666 followers80 tweets2,656 commits
98% match
avatar for yazaldefilimone

Yazalde Filimone

@yazaldefilimone98 followers77 tweets2,651 commits
98% match
avatar for rel1cx


@rel1cx47 followers34 tweets2,713 commits
98% match
avatar for marianatrains

mariana 🤖🪄

@marianatrains48 followers46 tweets2,669 commits
98% match
avatar for ishengfang

I-Sheng Fang

@ishengfang40 followers55 tweets2,735 commits
98% match
avatar for tomaszferens

Tomasz Ferens

@tomaszferens80 followers120 tweets2,691 commits
98% match
avatar for nerdytechy


@nerdytechy58 followers87 tweets2,656 commits
98% match
avatar for rafaelpernil

Rafael Pernil

@rafaelpernil2 followers22 tweets2,710 commits
98% match
avatar for lfainsin

Laurent Fainsin

@lfainsin63 followers7 tweets2,696 commits
98% match
avatar for vishnusanalt

Vishnu Sanal T

@vishnusanalt67 followers78 tweets2,639 commits
98% match
avatar for tonyaellie


@tonyaellie32 followers44 tweets2,737 commits
98% match