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rocky spends 0% of their time tweeting and 100% of their time coding
rocky and Kritarth Mittal | Soshals are 98% compatible as cofounders
Kritarth Mittal | Soshals spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
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avatar for poppunk


@poppunk868 followers37,012 tweets2 commits
100% match
avatar for danielhe4rt


@danielhe4rt38,614 followers37,184 tweets0 commits
100% match
avatar for boltannical

Chibuike Jidenna

@boltannical1,701 followers36,823 tweets0 commits
99% match
avatar for ongdevlab


@ongdevlab12,929 followers36,848 tweets84 commits
99% match
avatar for ppy

Dean Herbert

@ppy106,126 followers36,715 tweets0 commits
99% match
avatar for kritarthmittal

Kritarth Mittal | Soshals

@kritarthmittal17,641 followers37,723 tweets6 commits
98% match
avatar for wtravishubbard

Travis Hubbard

@wtravishubbard14,807 followers37,745 tweets92 commits
98% match
avatar for pradyuprasad


@pradyuprasad7,779 followers37,581 tweets437 commits
97% match
avatar for marktechson

Mark Techson

@marktechson11,364 followers36,867 tweets823 commits
97% match
avatar for ikirigin

Ivan Kirigin

@ikirigin7,973 followers36,854 tweets901 commits
97% match
avatar for guinnessstache


@guinnessstache5,058 followers35,824 tweets19 commits
97% match
avatar for proales


@proales4,619 followers37,307 tweets1,064 commits
97% match
avatar for iandy_hd3


@iandy_hd32,594 followers36,548 tweets753 commits
97% match
avatar for oscar

🪩scr🇵🇷 𐚁

@oscar8,416 followers35,796 tweets2 commits
97% match
avatar for sneakyness

Funemployment Minmaxer

@sneakyness474 followers37,077 tweets1,337 commits
96% match
avatar for elmanumx

El Manu

@elmanumx2,048 followers38,429 tweets62 commits
96% match