avatar for gdbroman
266 tweets
9,636 commits
Gus spends 3% of their time tweeting and 97% of their time coding
Gus and Naitik Sharma are 96% compatible as cofounders
Naitik Sharma
9,790 tweets
39 commits
avatar for naitik_shrma
Naitik Sharma spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
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avatar for faerazo

Francisco Erazo

@faerazo298 followers9,652 tweets319 commits
99% match
avatar for iamedwardtay

Edward Tay

@iamedwardtay3,840 followers9,578 tweets207 commits
99% match
avatar for comp_phys_mark

Marcus Edwards

@comp_phys_mark845 followers9,610 tweets407 commits
98% match
avatar for clerijr


@clerijr489 followers9,539 tweets192 commits
98% match
avatar for jaimescose


@jaimescose469 followers9,664 tweets52 commits
98% match
avatar for alvleont

Alvaro Leon Torres

@alvleont957 followers9,817 tweets200 commits
98% match
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@amalsony_2,140 followers9,709 tweets445 commits
97% match
avatar for garamirez06

Gustavo Ramirez

@garamirez06217 followers9,634 tweets1 commits
97% match
avatar for codinginflow

Coding in Flow

@codinginflow13,651 followers9,427 tweets348 commits
97% match
avatar for merycodes


@merycodes9,995 followers9,941 tweets265 commits
97% match
avatar for soupydev


@soupydev2,580 followers9,383 tweets345 commits
97% match
avatar for qbheller

Jose QB

@qbheller129 followers9,520 tweets500 commits
96% match
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@alejodiloreto441 followers9,551 tweets0 commits
96% match
avatar for ahmdelemam

Ahmed Elemam

@ahmdelemam20,680 followers9,407 tweets143 commits
96% match
avatar for macneil265

Mac Neil

@macneil26511,559 followers9,787 tweets487 commits
96% match
avatar for naitik_shrma

Naitik Sharma

@naitik_shrma763 followers9,790 tweets39 commits
96% match