avatar for gettersethya
Getter Sethya
1,680 tweets
1,308 commits
Getter Sethya spends 56% of their time tweeting and 44% of their time coding
Getter Sethya and Ashish Kumar Verma are 99% compatible as cofounders
Ashish Kumar Verma
1,293 tweets
1,701 commits
avatar for imdigitalashish
Ashish Kumar Verma spends 43% of their time tweeting and 57% of their time coding
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avatar for hmtheboy154

Huy Minh

@hmtheboy154183 followers1,305 tweets1,688 commits
100% match
avatar for sunny52525


@sunny5252593 followers1,323 tweets1,673 commits
99% match
avatar for imdigitalashish

Ashish Kumar Verma

@imdigitalashish1,293 followers1,293 tweets1,701 commits
99% match
avatar for moesmufti


@moesmufti241 followers1,306 tweets1,634 commits
98% match
avatar for yakasov_

james mcd

@yakasov_36 followers1,304 tweets1,632 commits
98% match
avatar for gac_bl

Igor Ilic

@gac_bl198 followers1,356 tweets1,684 commits
98% match
avatar for ayushmangarg4

Ayushman Garg

@ayushmangarg4553 followers1,252 tweets1,675 commits
98% match
avatar for linguinelabs


@linguinelabs838 followers1,362 tweets1,693 commits
98% match
avatar for joshbcodes

josh b.

@joshbcodes144 followers1,312 tweets1,749 commits
98% match
avatar for 0xsirsaif

Saif πŸ‡΅πŸ‡ΈπŸ”»

@0xsirsaif229 followers1,367 tweets1,660 commits
97% match
avatar for johnernaut

software bingeineer

@johnernaut292 followers1,318 tweets1,753 commits
97% match
avatar for goof


@goof7,538 followers1,324 tweets1,613 commits
97% match
avatar for sanjeed_i


@sanjeed_i639 followers1,324 tweets1,594 commits
97% match
avatar for manishmandalj

Manish Mandal

@manishmandalj221 followers1,308 tweets1,572 commits
96% match
avatar for ferrodri_dev


@ferrodri_dev573 followers1,411 tweets1,661 commits
96% match
avatar for salikjamal20

Salik Jamal

@salikjamal20127 followers1,360 tweets1,609 commits
96% match