avatar for hafidzmrizky
Hafidz M Rizky
7 tweets
687 commits
Hafidz M Rizky spends 1% of their time tweeting and 99% of their time coding
Hafidz M Rizky and Gabriel de Andrade are 94% compatible as cofounders
Gabriel de Andrade spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
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avatar for tecnodom


@tecnodom7,243 followers688 tweets7 commits
100% match
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@eternity_ch491 followers686 tweets16 commits
99% match
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Kyle Snodgrass

@kylesnodgrass163 followers679 tweets12 commits
98% match
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Jesse Lyu

@jessechenglyu29,407 followers674 tweets1 commits
97% match
avatar for hansenbii

Hansen  𝕏

@hansenbii196 followers703 tweets1 commits
97% match
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@lambda0xe1,130 followers701 tweets15 commits
97% match
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@yoadev155 followers708 tweets10 commits
97% match
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@steamtank173 followers660 tweets6 commits
96% match
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Calm ( काल्म )

@calmdoesnotcode16 followers656 tweets6 commits
95% match
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@quluseslignux11 followers702 tweets24 commits
95% match
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@elon6,144 followers665 tweets17 commits
95% match
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@extism904 followers713 tweets0 commits
95% match
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Gautam Ahuja

@0x_gautam205 followers683 tweets36 commits
95% match
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Aiyush Dhar

@aiyushdhar475 followers652 tweets6 commits
95% match
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Sarper Şoher

@sarpersoher385 followers717 tweets1 commits
95% match
avatar for gabrielelpidio

Gabriel de Andrade

@gabrielelpidio386 followers720 tweets0 commits
94% match