avatar for hecpalomares
429 tweets
3,179 commits
palomares spends 12% of their time tweeting and 88% of their time coding
palomares and Lokesh Sharma are 98% compatible as cofounders
Lokesh Sharma
3,190 tweets
494 commits
avatar for lokeshkavisth
Lokesh Sharma spends 87% of their time tweeting and 13% of their time coding
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avatar for rialgou


@rialgou184 followers3,167 tweets430 commits
100% match
avatar for tanaykmr

Tanay Kumar

@tanaykmr252 followers3,160 tweets431 commits
99% match
avatar for wasixxd


@wasixxd75 followers3,163 tweets443 commits
99% match
avatar for maushishyadav


@maushishyadav310 followers3,149 tweets433 commits
99% match
avatar for x_pixel22


@x_pixel22494 followers3,206 tweets443 commits
99% match
avatar for ayush_cg

Ayush Singh

@ayush_cg1,092 followers3,160 tweets398 commits
99% match
avatar for marmotz


@marmotz132 followers3,199 tweets393 commits
98% match
avatar for bdsqlsz


@bdsqlsz2,912 followers3,141 tweets448 commits
98% match
avatar for lokeshkavisth

Lokesh Sharma

@lokeshkavisth226 followers3,190 tweets494 commits
98% match
avatar for eladnlg


@eladnlg320 followers3,221 tweets379 commits
97% match
avatar for april83c


@april83c143 followers3,260 tweets379 commits
96% match
avatar for oscarmorenodev

Óscar Moreno

@oscarmorenodev108 followers3,092 tweets384 commits
96% match
avatar for alfredobs97

Alfredo Bautista 💙

@alfredobs971,660 followers3,245 tweets351 commits
96% match
avatar for rajoyish

Rajesh Budhathoki 🐘

@rajoyish1,505 followers3,170 tweets564 commits
96% match
avatar for 0xdiicell


@0xdiicell1,061 followers3,063 tweets467 commits
96% match
avatar for mogmachine

mogmachine (ττ)

@mogmachine5,546 followers3,086 tweets491 commits
96% match