avatar for hugohutri
hugo hutri
0 tweets
1,812 commits
hugo hutri spends 0% of their time tweeting and 100% of their time coding
hugo hutri and Surya Pratap Singh Chauhan are 97% compatible as cofounders
Surya Pratap Singh Chauhan spends 98% of their time tweeting and 2% of their time coding
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avatar for adityagodse381


@adityagodse381244 followers1,813 tweets0 commits
100% match
avatar for dluzar

David Luzar (dwelle)

@dluzar674 followers1,831 tweets0 commits
99% match
avatar for jncalderon

Nelson Calderon

@jncalderon74 followers1,813 tweets26 commits
99% match
avatar for alexisnoria


@alexisnoria106 followers1,793 tweets10 commits
98% match
avatar for jmperezperez

José M. Pérez

@jmperezperez2,724 followers1,768 tweets0 commits
98% match
avatar for techwithsurya

Surya Pratap Singh Chauhan

@techwithsurya110 followers1,799 tweets33 commits
97% match
avatar for alibslh

علي بوصالح

@alibslh6,390 followers1,844 tweets16 commits
97% match
avatar for geoff_cureton

@gpcureton@mstdn.social 🛰 🌏

@geoff_cureton244 followers1,839 tweets22 commits
97% match
avatar for gudetamwa


@gudetamwa167 followers1,764 tweets11 commits
97% match
avatar for cegoch


@cegoch39 followers1,770 tweets17 commits
97% match
avatar for huseyinacikgoz_

Hüseyin Açıkgöz

@huseyinacikgoz_239 followers1,761 tweets8 commits
97% match
avatar for yeswondwerr


@yeswondwerr718 followers1,790 tweets42 commits
96% match
avatar for grouveranaica

Anaica Grouver

@grouveranaica175 followers1,782 tweets37 commits
96% match
avatar for klebesvictor

Victor Klebes

@klebesvictor80 followers1,749 tweets10 commits
96% match
avatar for satyanadella

Satya Nadella

@satyanadella3,260,848 followers1,738 tweets1 commits
96% match
avatar for joshghent

Josh Ghent

@joshghent288 followers1,736 tweets0 commits
96% match