avatar for huxpro
Xuan Huang · 黄玄
1,742 tweets
7,763 commits
Xuan Huang · 黄玄 spends 18% of their time tweeting and 82% of their time coding
Xuan Huang · 黄玄 and Ramsri Goutham Golla are 96% compatible as cofounders
Ramsri Goutham Golla
7,848 tweets
1,462 commits
avatar for ramsri_goutham
Ramsri Goutham Golla spends 84% of their time tweeting and 16% of their time coding
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avatar for ad_rojo


@ad_rojo432 followers7,825 tweets1,723 commits
99% match
avatar for stevennatera

Steven Natera

@stevennatera2,989 followers7,691 tweets1,726 commits
99% match
avatar for akenroberts

Aken Roberts

@akenroberts645 followers7,865 tweets1,597 commits
97% match
avatar for _juliettech


@_juliettech6,202 followers7,670 tweets1,975 commits
97% match
avatar for themirsbible


@themirsbible174 followers7,705 tweets2,016 commits
97% match
avatar for anvie

Robin Syihab

@anvie9,434 followers7,448 tweets1,722 commits
96% match
avatar for stevensarmi_

Steven (っ♡◡♡)っ🤖🥭

@stevensarmi_1,078 followers8,080 tweets1,707 commits
96% match
avatar for victor141516


@victor14151657 followers7,547 tweets1,601 commits
96% match
avatar for ramsri_goutham

Ramsri Goutham Golla

@ramsri_goutham11,415 followers7,848 tweets1,462 commits
96% match
avatar for maciekchmura

Maciek Chmura

@maciekchmura756 followers7,718 tweets2,065 commits
96% match
avatar for port_dev


@port_dev2,671 followers7,943 tweets1,517 commits
96% match
avatar for xmansyx


@xmansyx853 followers7,642 tweets2,032 commits
96% match
avatar for ayvee_dev


@ayvee_dev1,713 followers7,985 tweets1,552 commits
96% match
avatar for sudhamjayanthi


@sudhamjayanthi757 followers7,827 tweets1,381 commits
96% match
avatar for delta2315

Swastik Baranwal 👨‍💻

@delta23152,834 followers7,676 tweets2,093 commits
95% match
avatar for rainygirl_


@rainygirl_23,199 followers7,764 tweets1,268 commits
95% match