avatar for ifarbod
470 tweets
22,859 commits
iFarbod spends 2% of their time tweeting and 98% of their time coding
iFarbod and Filip Mares are 97% compatible as cofounders
Filip Mares
23,241 tweets
239 commits
avatar for filipmares
Filip Mares spends 99% of their time tweeting and 1% of their time coding
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avatar for duduisonfire


@duduisonfire398 followers22,916 tweets563 commits
99% match
avatar for mauilion

Duffie Cooley

@mauilion9,816 followers22,933 tweets389 commits
99% match
avatar for endingwithali


@endingwithali26,607 followers22,976 tweets593 commits
99% match
avatar for erickpac_

Erick Pac 

@erickpac_254 followers22,565 tweets447 commits
99% match
avatar for rahard

budi rahardjo

@rahard5,835 followers23,154 tweets566 commits
98% match
avatar for luthfail


@luthfail307 followers22,927 tweets138 commits
98% match
avatar for tadeomendoza


@tadeomendoza309 followers22,752 tweets165 commits
98% match
avatar for venusbhatia


@venusbhatia518 followers22,911 tweets103 commits
98% match
avatar for chintanpuggalok

Chintan Puggalok

@chintanpuggalok5,156 followers22,491 tweets371 commits
98% match
avatar for juancdri


@juancdri488 followers23,053 tweets182 commits
98% match
avatar for redhaazmei

Redha Azmei

@redhaazmei221 followers22,750 tweets87 commits
98% match
avatar for sammwy

Sammy 🌱

@sammwy18,978 followers22,782 tweets2 commits
98% match
avatar for frankdilo

Francesco Di Lorenzo

@frankdilo8,173 followers22,949 tweets0 commits
98% match
avatar for india_kunj


@india_kunj91 followers23,304 tweets604 commits
98% match
avatar for mikkurogue


@mikkurogue133 followers22,424 tweets614 commits
98% match
avatar for filipmares

Filip Mares

@filipmares1,680 followers23,241 tweets239 commits
97% match