The best cofounder for Iván López is...

avatar for hellojintao
avatar for ilopmar
Iván López
15,696 tweets
15,961 commits
Iván López spends 50% of their time tweeting and 50% of their time coding
Iván López and jintao are 96% compatible as cofounders
16,096 tweets
14,481 commits
avatar for hellojintao
jintao spends 53% of their time tweeting and 47% of their time coding
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avatar for grandcolline


@grandcolline321 followers15,497 tweets16,889 commits
95% match
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@xiam2,329 followers14,778 tweets15,144 commits
95% match
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Filip Rakowski

@filrakowski8,626 followers17,081 tweets16,455 commits
94% match
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Alvar Lagerlöf

@alvarlagerlof1,681 followers15,374 tweets14,350 commits
94% match
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@ksaitor5,204 followers14,113 tweets15,589 commits
94% match
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Ruben Steeman

@rust2,239 followers14,693 tweets16,492 commits
93% match
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Jamie Dixon

@jamiedixon1,103 followers14,296 tweets15,123 commits
93% match
avatar for manuelitox

Manuel González

@manuelitox550 followers14,724 tweets16,731 commits
93% match
avatar for alagoutte

Alexis La Goutte

@alagoutte1,653 followers16,114 tweets13,573 commits
93% match
avatar for kolyshkin

Kir Kolyshkin 🇺🇸

@kolyshkin1,054 followers15,576 tweets17,600 commits
93% match
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桜島緋村 Sakurajima Himura

@yagasaki7k624 followers17,392 tweets16,581 commits
93% match
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Mauricio Dottavio

@mdottavio595 followers15,926 tweets17,988 commits
93% match
avatar for michealjroberts

Michael Roberts

@michealjroberts1,306 followers18,048 tweets15,978 commits
93% match
avatar for adambien

Adam Bien

@adambien37,400 followers15,009 tweets17,231 commits
92% match
avatar for phuctm97

Minh-Phuc Tran

@phuctm9729,617 followers17,084 tweets14,301 commits
92% match