avatar for jakezacharia
416 tweets
85 commits
jake spends 83% of their time tweeting and 17% of their time coding
jake and N1tros are 96% compatible as cofounders
85 tweets
395 commits
avatar for n1tr0s_ken
N1tros spends 18% of their time tweeting and 82% of their time coding
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avatar for liamtheswe


@liamtheswe74 followers78 tweets416 commits
99% match
avatar for vaidya404

Kaustubh 🇮🇳

@vaidya40429 followers90 tweets414 commits
99% match
avatar for ritish134

Ritish Srivastava

@ritish13413 followers90 tweets411 commits
98% match
avatar for thotogelx


@thotogelx64 followers82 tweets408 commits
98% match
avatar for tharunfr


@tharunfr162 followers80 tweets408 commits
97% match
avatar for notorious_vb

vivekb.eth | w.ai

@notorious_vb537 followers78 tweets405 commits
96% match
avatar for phatboyg

Chris Patterson

@phatboyg3,463 followers98 tweets421 commits
96% match
avatar for puvisty

Pruthvi Shetty

@puvisty70 followers100 tweets412 commits
96% match
avatar for infernalsaber


@infernalsaber9 followers69 tweets413 commits
96% match
avatar for lumixing


@lumixing7 followers103 tweets417 commits
96% match
avatar for n1tr0s_ken


@n1tr0s_ken55 followers85 tweets395 commits
96% match
avatar for youngmandao


@youngmandao96 followers85 tweets442 commits
95% match
avatar for unhingexd


@unhingexd72 followers66 tweets424 commits
95% match
avatar for v473r10

Facundo Valerio

@v473r1057 followers97 tweets401 commits
95% match
avatar for zoendev

Enzo Holgado

@zoendev23 followers99 tweets429 commits
95% match
avatar for dhruvsingh_13

Dhruv Singh

@dhruvsingh_1384 followers111 tweets413 commits
94% match