avatar for julioraf4
729 tweets
1,388 commits
Rafa spends 34% of their time tweeting and 66% of their time coding
Rafa and Rakesh Roy are 97% compatible as cofounders
Rakesh Roy
1,331 tweets
729 commits
avatar for _royrakesh
Rakesh Roy spends 65% of their time tweeting and 35% of their time coding
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avatar for alonewolf_____


@alonewolf_____59 followers1,378 tweets746 commits
99% match
avatar for hadi_alsinan_

Hadi 🌙

@hadi_alsinan_1,747 followers1,372 tweets747 commits
98% match
avatar for flowstate99


@flowstate9991 followers1,389 tweets685 commits
98% match
avatar for bassambasir


@bassambasir190 followers1,357 tweets707 commits
97% match
avatar for lichibruno


@lichibruno141 followers1,405 tweets766 commits
97% match
avatar for _royrakesh

Rakesh Roy

@_royrakesh1,127 followers1,331 tweets729 commits
97% match
avatar for sibeshkar

Sibesh Kar

@sibeshkar569 followers1,335 tweets738 commits
97% match
avatar for wildekek

Willem Vooijs

@wildekek209 followers1,435 tweets713 commits
97% match
avatar for turhany

Türhan Yıldırım

@turhany125 followers1,401 tweets678 commits
97% match
avatar for sphynxlee


@sphynxlee42 followers1,409 tweets682 commits
97% match
avatar for sushantstwt

Sushant Mishra

@sushantstwt294 followers1,463 tweets737 commits
96% match
avatar for knotbin

Roscoe Rubin-Rottenberg

@knotbin1,402 followers1,385 tweets648 commits
96% match
avatar for puruvjdev


@puruvjdev5,258 followers1,337 tweets693 commits
96% match
avatar for fcoagz


@fcoagz84 followers1,367 tweets797 commits
96% match
avatar for masedri


@masedri59 followers1,395 tweets813 commits
96% match
avatar for simjost

Joda Stößer 🛍👨‍💻🇩🇪

@simjost331 followers1,383 tweets817 commits
96% match