avatar for justingriffioen
Justin Griffioen
2,516 tweets
1 commits
Justin Griffioen spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
Justin Griffioen and ezrichards are 99% compatible as cofounders
0 tweets
2,537 commits
avatar for ezrichards
ezrichards spends 0% of their time tweeting and 100% of their time coding
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avatar for higgisp

Samuel Higginbotham

@higgisp32 followers7 tweets2,518 commits
100% match
avatar for andrealmar

Andrea Marcilla

@andrealmar12 followers1 tweets2,530 commits
99% match
avatar for prabincankod

Prabin Subedi

@prabincankod7 followers5 tweets2,527 commits
99% match
avatar for francisplaza

francinete silvino

@francisplaza0 followers1 tweets2,497 commits
99% match
avatar for weslley_io

Weslley Araújo

@weslley_io1 followers12 tweets2,524 commits
99% match
avatar for ezrichards


@ezrichards0 followers0 tweets2,537 commits
99% match
avatar for blakemdev


@blakemdev170 followers19 tweets2,508 commits
99% match
avatar for alecowls

Alec WM

@alecowls88 followers11 tweets2,500 commits
99% match
avatar for jessicatarra

Jessica 🎯

@jessicatarra1 followers1 tweets2,543 commits
99% match
avatar for rogercbe

Rogério Cardoso

@rogercbe3 followers5 tweets2,492 commits
99% match
avatar for quiloos39

Necdet Efe

@quiloos3910 followers2 tweets2,488 commits
99% match
avatar for emperor100_

Ravikant Pandey

@emperor100_2 followers6 tweets2,542 commits
99% match
avatar for notnerdnikhil

Nikhil Gupta

@notnerdnikhil12 followers13 tweets2,497 commits
99% match
avatar for yosmelgs

Yosmel García

@yosmelgs26 followers21 tweets2,504 commits
99% match
avatar for binaryannie


@binaryannie5 followers3 tweets2,547 commits
99% match
avatar for nitrojulia

Nitro Julià

@nitrojulia2 followers3 tweets2,483 commits
99% match