avatar for kasper0990
827 tweets
12 commits
Kasper spends 99% of their time tweeting and 1% of their time coding
Kasper and Irshath are 98% compatible as cofounders
20 tweets
820 commits
avatar for irshathcodes
Irshath spends 2% of their time tweeting and 98% of their time coding
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avatar for avkondepudi

Akhil Kondepudi

@avkondepudi22 followers10 tweets827 commits
100% match
avatar for hleomojica

Henrry Mojica

@hleomojica39 followers11 tweets833 commits
99% match
avatar for thelastpoet


@thelastpoet8 followers7 tweets831 commits
99% match
avatar for johnsesana

John Sesana

@johnsesana13 followers3 tweets826 commits
99% match
avatar for 0dudynets

Oleksandr Dudynets

@0dudynets26 followers9 tweets819 commits
99% match
avatar for grooveygr


@grooveygr22 followers0 tweets828 commits
98% match
avatar for mahrahat

Rahat Haq

@mahrahat0 followers1 tweets829 commits
98% match
avatar for vpvasp


@vpvasp19 followers1 tweets825 commits
98% match
avatar for adragos_


@adragos_405 followers13 tweets815 commits
98% match
avatar for kkmihai


@kkmihai3 followers0 tweets825 commits
98% match
avatar for raphascartezini

Raphael Scartezini

@raphascartezini326 followers18 tweets835 commits
98% match
avatar for irshathcodes


@irshathcodes11 followers20 tweets820 commits
98% match
avatar for elshaka

friska kurniasari

@elshaka1 followers0 tweets830 commits
98% match
avatar for babyloopro

Max Remy| Developer FullStack

@babyloopro1 followers18 tweets836 commits
98% match
avatar for elweday


@elweday7 followers3 tweets820 commits
98% match
avatar for bryaakov

Yaakov Breuer

@bryaakov3 followers5 tweets837 commits
98% match