avatar for kurykat
KuryKat 
1,150 tweets
2,857 commits
KuryKat  spends 29% of their time tweeting and 71% of their time coding
KuryKat  and RedstoneRuler are 96% compatible as cofounders
2,841 tweets
1,275 commits
avatar for redstoneruler2
RedstoneRuler spends 69% of their time tweeting and 31% of their time coding
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avatar for mejiasdev


@mejiasdev6,011 followers2,869 tweets1,167 commits
99% match
avatar for cloud11665


@cloud116659,048 followers2,832 tweets1,193 commits
98% match
avatar for _anniebabannie_

Annie Sexton 🇵🇸

@_anniebabannie_1,719 followers2,798 tweets1,139 commits
98% match
avatar for nist0m


@nist0m1,919 followers2,844 tweets1,228 commits
98% match
avatar for chiragchhajed18


@chiragchhajed18205 followers2,784 tweets1,175 commits
98% match
avatar for vitalik


@vitalik1,011 followers2,924 tweets1,186 commits
97% match
avatar for krystianzun

Krystian Zun

@krystianzun422 followers2,905 tweets1,075 commits
97% match
avatar for m_puchalla

marcus.puchalla 🕊️🇵🇸🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈🇪🇺

@m_puchalla661 followers2,880 tweets1,256 commits
97% match
avatar for redstoneruler2


@redstoneruler235 followers2,841 tweets1,275 commits
96% match
avatar for kucukkanat

Galactic President Superstar McAwesomeville

@kucukkanat425 followers2,776 tweets1,211 commits
96% match
avatar for moaidhathot

Moaid Hathot

@moaidhathot729 followers2,987 tweets1,133 commits
96% match
avatar for parik36


@parik3620,191 followers2,731 tweets1,128 commits
96% match
avatar for exdrill_


@exdrill_173 followers2,997 tweets1,129 commits
96% match
avatar for the6thtablet

✑ The Tablet ❀ {unhinged arc} 

@the6thtablet109 followers2,750 tweets1,094 commits
96% match
avatar for qkniep

Quentin Kniep

@qkniep352 followers2,869 tweets1,302 commits
96% match
avatar for avrebarra

erva barra (rakun)

@avrebarra271 followers2,708 tweets1,166 commits
96% match