avatar for louis030195
2,893 tweets
22,811 commits
louis030195 spends 11% of their time tweeting and 89% of their time coding
louis030195 and Jamone ✊🏾 πŸ›°οΈπŸ¦‰ are 97% compatible as cofounders
Jamone ✊🏾 πŸ›°οΈπŸ¦‰ spends 89% of their time tweeting and 11% of their time coding
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Sammy 🌱

@sammwy18,978 followers22,782 tweets2,748 commits
99% match
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@guilleangeris10,229 followers22,907 tweets3,146 commits
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Leo Guinan (econ/acc)

@leo_guinan2,244 followers22,716 tweets2,556 commits
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@aumy_f699 followers23,053 tweets3,328 commits
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Jamone ✊🏾 πŸ›°οΈπŸ¦‰

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@kmelve3,760 followers23,196 tweets2,512 commits
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@mervenoyann57,047 followers23,218 tweets2,529 commits
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Ibrahim Nergiz

@phyesix2,161 followers22,685 tweets2,217 commits
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@dunsincodes31,419 followers23,554 tweets2,964 commits
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Horacio Herrera

@hhg22883,113 followers23,210 tweets2,410 commits
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@batyshkalenin1,771 followers22,526 tweets3,614 commits
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Dan DiGangi

@dandigangi4,848 followers22,440 tweets3,589 commits
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Atif al-Serembani πŸ‡²πŸ‡Ύ

@alserembani4,056 followers23,333 tweets2,292 commits
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Mohamed πŸ‡΅πŸ‡Έ

@mohameddtv3,440 followers22,306 tweets2,275 commits
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