avatar for luizzeroxis
699 tweets
1,091 commits
luizzeroxis spends 39% of their time tweeting and 61% of their time coding
luizzeroxis and 0xkyou are 95% compatible as cofounders
1,022 tweets
721 commits
avatar for ky0uko___
0xkyou spends 59% of their time tweeting and 41% of their time coding
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avatar for dattgoswami

Datt Goswami

@dattgoswami619 followers1,095 tweets713 commits
99% match
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@chrisaydat693 followers1,103 tweets717 commits
98% match
avatar for _justineo


@_justineo2,793 followers1,074 tweets713 commits
98% match
avatar for arvsrn

Aarav Sareen

@arvsrn1,389 followers1,122 tweets700 commits
98% match
avatar for gataquadrada


@gataquadrada27 followers1,065 tweets716 commits
98% match
avatar for moonpatel2003

moon 🌙🌟

@moonpatel2003254 followers1,066 tweets725 commits
97% match
avatar for georgeolivine

Olvine George( DartFlutterGuy 💙 )

@georgeolivine1,089 followers1,063 tweets726 commits
97% match
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@newspicel434 followers1,146 tweets698 commits
97% match
avatar for mn_google

Patel Meet 𝕏

@mn_google3,125 followers1,069 tweets656 commits
96% match
avatar for eladleev

Elad Leev

@eladleev554 followers1,037 tweets679 commits
96% match
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Alham Fikri Aji

@alhamfikri3,181 followers1,038 tweets726 commits
96% match
avatar for realaliarain


@realaliarain185 followers1,148 tweets728 commits
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Vivek Shukla

@whovivekshukla308 followers1,153 tweets675 commits
95% match
avatar for marvinblach

Marvin Blach

@marvinblach736 followers1,161 tweets717 commits
95% match
avatar for cjmaxik


@cjmaxik469 followers1,088 tweets785 commits
95% match
avatar for ky0uko___


@ky0uko___52 followers1,022 tweets721 commits
95% match