avatar for mellog69
3,175 tweets
36 commits
Arnav spends 99% of their time tweeting and 1% of their time coding
Arnav and Wayne Harris are 99% compatible as cofounders
Wayne Harris
18 tweets
3,168 commits
avatar for waynelife
Wayne Harris spends 1% of their time tweeting and 99% of their time coding
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avatar for 0xbonlulu


@0xbonlulu136 followers30 tweets3,187 commits
99% match
avatar for waynelife

Wayne Harris

@waynelife140 followers18 tweets3,168 commits
99% match
avatar for apteryxxyz


@apteryxxyz16 followers55 tweets3,167 commits
99% match
avatar for mohnjiles


@mohnjiles0 followers14 tweets3,166 commits
99% match
avatar for elvinkyungu

Elvin Kyungu

@elvinkyungu46 followers63 tweets3,171 commits
99% match
avatar for jozwaldus

James Oswald

@jozwaldus31 followers63 tweets3,180 commits
99% match
avatar for smerlyn001

Smerlyn Javier

@smerlyn0018 followers39 tweets3,144 commits
99% match
avatar for nathandcrossley


@nathandcrossley522 followers0 tweets3,174 commits
99% match
avatar for paintoxic


@paintoxic7 followers0 tweets3,176 commits
99% match
avatar for meronogbai


@meronogbai156 followers58 tweets3,159 commits
99% match
avatar for arviixzuh_


@arviixzuh_2 followers1 tweets3,178 commits
99% match
avatar for nburniske

Nico Burniske

@nburniske174 followers55 tweets3,199 commits
99% match
avatar for polyphilz


@polyphilz131 followers9 tweets3,156 commits
99% match
avatar for jefferson__dev

Jefferson Lopez

@jefferson__dev9 followers21 tweets3,144 commits
99% match
avatar for steveedson

Steve Edson

@steveedson682 followers79 tweets3,181 commits
98% match
avatar for itrooz


@itrooz0 followers14 tweets3,147 commits
98% match