avatar for mkermani144
Mohammad Kermani
62 tweets
6,908 commits
Mohammad Kermani spends 1% of their time tweeting and 99% of their time coding
Mohammad Kermani and ceteris are 99% compatible as cofounders
6,950 tweets
1 commits
avatar for ceterispar1bus
ceteris spends 100% of their time tweeting and 0% of their time coding
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avatar for spuertes

Salvador Puertes

@spuertes202 followers6,900 tweets94 commits
99% match
avatar for anakinstone

Andrés.js 👨🏻‍💻

@anakinstone314 followers6,887 tweets96 commits
99% match
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Maddie Stedman

@madsted287 followers6,933 tweets23 commits
99% match
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%King! GC%

@kingamescreator803 followers6,948 tweets90 commits
99% match
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@anpaure13,266 followers6,857 tweets44 commits
99% match
avatar for baipyrus

BP for short.

@baipyrus89 followers6,951 tweets98 commits
99% match
avatar for gustigiyus

Dead Poets Society

@gustigiyus612 followers6,873 tweets129 commits
99% match
avatar for ceterispar1bus


@ceterispar1bus34,930 followers6,950 tweets1 commits
99% match
avatar for tylerpixel

Tyler Pixel

@tylerpixel2,234 followers6,815 tweets85 commits
98% match
avatar for decelever

Lost & Found Coordinator

@decelever541 followers6,975 tweets10 commits
98% match
avatar for luisfpc91

Luis Fernando Peña

@luisfpc91185 followers6,828 tweets19 commits
98% match
avatar for luce5_luce

Wilson 🏈

@luce5_luce14 followers6,866 tweets166 commits
98% match
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dirtman (b/sac)

@terrorproforma5,862 followers6,813 tweets7 commits
98% match
avatar for revskill

Truong Hoang Dung

@revskill447 followers6,844 tweets155 commits
98% match
avatar for nbevans

Nathan B. Evans

@nbevans510 followers7,008 tweets127 commits
98% match
avatar for 0xrsydn


@0xrsydn290 followers6,960 tweets177 commits
98% match