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mohit singh
147 tweets
305 commits
mohit singh spends 33% of their time tweeting and 67% of their time coding
mohit singh and kkkfasya are 98% compatible as cofounders
311 tweets
144 commits
avatar for kkkfasya
kkkfasya spends 68% of their time tweeting and 32% of their time coding
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avatar for saeidjeddi


@saeidjeddi135 followers303 tweets150 commits
99% match
avatar for pauldvlp

Paul Barahona

@pauldvlp41 followers300 tweets148 commits
99% match
avatar for kkkfasya


@kkkfasya17 followers311 tweets144 commits
98% match
avatar for frandugo

francisco antonio

@frandugo38 followers307 tweets139 commits
98% match
avatar for arnel_glez

Arnel González Rodríguez

@arnel_glez11 followers303 tweets166 commits
95% match
avatar for rakesh_dharoori

Rakesh Acharya

@rakesh_dharoori129 followers293 tweets136 commits
95% match
avatar for paramientos


@paramientos304 followers325 tweets152 commits
94% match
avatar for manuuvllgs

manu villegas

@manuuvllgs148 followers328 tweets144 commits
94% match
avatar for dianalokada


@dianalokada260 followers301 tweets170 commits
94% match
avatar for jimmoroco

Jim Moroco 📰

@jimmoroco98 followers327 tweets139 commits
93% match
avatar for rustix69

Rustix Fx

@rustix69993 followers319 tweets164 commits
93% match
avatar for ddprrt

Stefan Baumgartner @deadparrot@mastodon.social

@ddprrt7,442 followers335 tweets146 commits
93% match
avatar for stefanofp

Stefano Frasson Pianizzola

@stefanofp125 followers324 tweets134 commits
93% match
avatar for shubhamdevpro

Shubham Dev

@shubhamdevpro61 followers297 tweets174 commits
92% match
avatar for deivchoi


@deivchoi832 followers298 tweets176 commits
92% match
avatar for bedirxanugur

Bedirhan Ugur

@bedirxanugur336 followers269 tweets148 commits
92% match