avatar for nalenb
Bill Nalen
2,661 tweets
1,793 commits
Bill Nalen spends 60% of their time tweeting and 40% of their time coding
Bill Nalen and Rares are 97% compatible as cofounders
1,909 tweets
2,638 commits
avatar for rarescruceat
Rares spends 42% of their time tweeting and 58% of their time coding
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avatar for ragasimger

Ragas Imger

@ragasimger194 followers1,762 tweets2,651 commits
99% match
avatar for anuranroy


@anuranroy1,728 followers1,774 tweets2,620 commits
99% match
avatar for pjiwm


@pjiwm65 followers1,723 tweets2,678 commits
98% match
avatar for kushdaga

Kush Daga

@kushdaga1,309 followers1,876 tweets2,680 commits
98% match
avatar for nibach

Саша Чабин

@nibach388 followers1,871 tweets2,691 commits
98% match
avatar for shubh_exists


@shubh_exists297 followers1,663 tweets2,661 commits
97% match
avatar for rarescruceat


@rarescruceat530 followers1,909 tweets2,638 commits
97% match
avatar for samueljgorman


@samueljgorman380 followers1,818 tweets2,545 commits
97% match
avatar for dalinhuang

Dalin Huang

@dalinhuang608 followers1,865 tweets2,584 commits
97% match
avatar for rehanhaider

Rehan Haider

@rehanhaider250 followers1,788 tweets2,509 commits
96% match
avatar for lindakatcodes

Linda T.

@lindakatcodes804 followers1,886 tweets2,727 commits
96% match
avatar for baconbrix

Evan Bacon 🥓

@baconbrix35,735 followers1,753 tweets2,534 commits
96% match
avatar for okjodom

jodom 🔆

@okjodom1,277 followers1,913 tweets2,713 commits
96% match
avatar for kareigu


@kareigu62 followers1,733 tweets2,542 commits
96% match
avatar for issa_madjid

Abdoul Madjid @abdoulma@fosstodon.org

@issa_madjid786 followers1,650 tweets2,619 commits
96% match
avatar for geromedev

Gerome Grignon 🅰️ @AngularDevsFr

@geromedev532 followers1,677 tweets2,732 commits
96% match